Air fresheners

Diffuser blend recipes (click here)


Room/linen sprays:

Uplifting Body Spray
1 oz filtered water
60 to 90 drops essential oil of Citrus Bliss or grapefruit
1/2 teaspoon organic vegetable glycerine

Add to glass spray bottle and shake to combine.  Shake again before each use.


Orange Blossom Body Spray

1 oz filtered water
60 to 90 drops essential oil of orange
1/2 teaspoon vegetable glycerine

Add to glass spray bottle and shake to combine.  Shake again before each use.


Bathroom‬ Spray

1/2 tsp vegetable glycerine
20 drops ‪‎Lemongrass‬ 
20 drops ‪Grapefruit‬ 
20 drops ‪‎Bergamot‬‪

Add to glass spray bottle and shake to combine.  Shake again before each use.





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