What kind of space is your kitchen?

What is it about the warm weather that makes you want to clean out your entire house, wardrobe and basement?  Well, if you haven't gotten to the kitchen yet, this is perfect timing.

I just recorded this month's audio class entitled Healthy Kitchen Basics, and one of the topics I covered was creating a sacred kitchen space for the important work that takes place there. 

Right before I started nutrition school (over ten years ago!), I listened to a class
about creating a sacred space in your kitchen.  As luck would have it, I had just redone my kitchen, and it was the most special room in the house to me.  Every drawer was clean and organized, the appliances were new, and the insides of cabinets were picture perfect.  I kept the counter clear, except for fresh flowers, my husband's beloved cappuccino maker, and a candle.  I loved being in there, and I LOVED cooking in there.

Because of that class, I still feel the same way in my kitchen.  That room IS sacred to me, not only because of how good I feel when I am in there, but because of all the nourishment and health that comes out of what is prepared there.  

You don't have to renovate your kitchen to turn it into something special.  Follow these tips, and transform your kitchen into a unique space where you love to be. 

1. Clear the counter
This one is important.  Clutter in your workspace leads to clutter inside your head. Put underneath or inside cabinets anything that can go away.  This means the toaster, the blender, the oils (which should be in a cool dark place away from the stove anyway), the utensils, the piles of papers, the lunch boxes, etc.  Make space for your everyday gear by getting rid of whatever is filling your cabinets that you haven't used in years.

2. Add fresh flowers
Trader Joe's has lovely and inexpensive fresh-cut flowers that I buy every few weeks.  Choose a potted plant if you don't want to have to buy flowers so often.

3. Lose the tv
Background noise sets the tone for the room, and everything in it - that means the people as well as the food going into them.  If the nightly news is blasting on about the tragedies of the day, that energy is going into the work that is being carried on in that room.  Not to mention that people usually have to talk OVER the television in order to talk to another person in the room, making for a chaotic vibe.  Instead, choose the tone of the room and the food being prepared there by selecting background music that makes you happy and uplifts everyone in the room.

4. One drawer at a time
If your kitchen seems like a daunting task to tackle, then chunk it down by taking one drawer at a time.  There may be piles and old junk everywhere, but if your only job is the utensil drawer, you can organize that one space in a reasonable amount of time.  Before you know it, your entire kitchen will be clutter-free and uplifting.

5. Upgrade the little things
Take a look around at your knives, pots and pans, and small kitchen tools.  If your can opener isn't sharp enough to slice butter, it may be time for an upgrade. Plastic storage containers can get crowded out by adding in new glass containers or Mason jars, broken-down cooking utensils can get upgraded to bamboo spoons, and maybe the old plastic cutting board gets traded in for a hardwood beauty.  (HomeGoods and Marshalls are my favorite stores for small but significant kitchen upgrades!)  

Once you have a clear space, you can add in a clean candle or essential oil diffuser to really give the room unique feel.  Little by little, make your space special by upgrading the tools that will make food prep a true joy.