Raw Fun With the Spiralizer

I really am such a nerd.  I am having so much fun with my Raw (not) cooking classes, skipping around the kitchen as I plan each menu.  It could very well be the added energy I experience as I take in more raw food, loaded with living enzymes that are usually lost when I eat a cooked meal.

Other than the obvious not applying heat (over 118ºF), Raw "cooking" uses no animal products, and so those two guidelines can be pretty limiting, unless you are willing to get creative and have a little FUN.

One example is the "spaghetti" I made in 30 seconds using a vegetable spiralizer (nothing fancy - super inexpensive, and SO fun).  If you don't have one, you can easily make zucchini "fettuccine" using a potato peeler.  Bonus points:  I didn't have to turn on the stove, boil water, or wait 7 minutes to eat a bowl of empty carbs and feel tired and bloated for two days.  Win-win!!

I have topped raw pasta with several kinds of marinara sauces, various pestos, a raw "mac and cheese" sauce, and even a mock alfredo sauce.  We've also played around with raw nut cheesesice creamsand chocolate desserts.  And the best part:  the only thing I ever had to wash was my blender (and spiralizer)!  Check out the "Raw" page under recipes for these and more.

Some of the feedback I have been getting includes:  "My kids are loving this!" and "I can't believe how satisfied I feel after this meal!"  It's true that raw food is fun, full of flavor, and PACKED with living energy and nutrition that isn't lost in the high temps of the stove.